Educational material

On this page you will find everything you need to prepare for your visit or to follow it up in class or at home.

For the youngest visitors

  • Paper fortune teller 

    Test your knowledge. Do you know all there is to know or do you need to visit the museum?

    Available in French and Dutch
  • Craft activities

    Would you prefer paper flowers or a recycled wallet? There is something to suit everyone! This page (available in French and Dutch) is full of cool manual activities related to the museum's collections. Download the crafts that interest you and on your marks, get set, DIY!

For older visitors

  • Brief explanatory videos

Grouped into 5 playlists, they explain various economic terms and concepts.  


prUdential supervision 

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banknote inssuance


  • EDUbox on financial education

Devised by VRT NWS in collaboration with Wikifin School (FSMA), BELvue and our museum, the EDUbox is intended for year 1-2 pupils. It comprises two modules: “Money and me” and “Money in society”.

Available in French and Dutch

  • Booklets for adolescents

These brochures guide young people through the museum, with an emphasis on history or economics.

Available in French and Dutch

  • Other useful resources